Submitted by: Gail L Reid
In the Spring of 2013, Brian and I started to look for a home to buy. It took us 6 months to find the perfect house on the perfect property. After making an offer, we began the process that led toward closing on the house. There were many obstacles along the way, and things that had to happen before we could call it our home. The weekend of October 26th, we finally decided that we just had to let go of the house, and start looking for something else. We were sure that we were not going to be able to get it. On Monday, October 28th, we were having dinner at the Oro Valley El Charro when we received a call from our realtor, stating that she heard we would be closing on Thursday, October 31st. I am enclosing a picture of the table we were sitting at when we received the phone call. The artwork is different but we will always remember that table and that evening at El Charro. We have been in our home for almost 8 years, and love it even more than when we first saw it.